Grubbin Pokemon: Stats, Evolution, Abilities

Grubbin Pokemon Stats, Evolution, Abilities
Grubbin Pokemon Stats, Evolution, Abilities

Grubbin is a small, Bug-type Pokémon that you can find early in the game. It’s not as famous as some other Pokémon, but it has some cool abilities that make it a great addition to your team. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Grubbin: its abilities, moves, evolution, and how to catch it.

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Grubbin Stats

Here’s a quick look at Grubbin’s stats information:

Pokédex Number#740
Height1’04” (0.4 meters)
Weight8.8 lbs (4 kg)
SpeciesTiny Bug Pokémon
AbilitiesSwarm, Battery (Hidden Ability)

Grubbin is a Bug-type Pokémon, which means it has strengths and weaknesses against certain other types. It’s a great Pokémon to use early in the game.

What Makes Grubbin Special?

Grubbin may be small, but it has some useful abilities:

  • Swarm: This ability makes Grubbin’s Bug-type moves stronger when its health is low. It’s helpful if you’re in a tough battle and need extra power.
  • Battery (Hidden Ability): This ability boosts the Special Attack of your other Pokémon when Grubbin is in battle. This makes Grubbin a good support Pokémon to help your team.

Grubbin’s Moves

Grubbin may not have many moves, but it can still hold its own. Here are some of the moves it can learn:

  • Tackle: A basic attack that deals damage. It’s a good move for early battles.
  • String Shot: This move slows down your opponent, making them slower and easier to beat.
  • Mud-Slap: A ground-type move that lowers the opponent’s accuracy, making it harder for them to hit Grubbin.
  • Bug Bite: A strong bug-type attack that deals a lot of damage, especially against grass- and psychic-types.
  • Spark: This electric-type move can paralyze the opponent and deal solid damage.

Grubbin Evolution

Grubbin evolves into Charjabug and then into Vikavolt. This makes Grubbin a great choice if you want to get a strong Pokémon later in the game.

Grubbin → Charjabug

Grubbin evolves into Charjabug when it reaches level 20. Charjabug is a Bug/Electric-type Pokémon that can still hold its own in battle.

Charjabug → Vikavolt

Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt when you use a Thunder Stone. Vikavolt is a powerful Electric/Bug-type Pokémon with fast speed and strong Special Attack, making it great for battles.

How to Catch Grubbin

Grubbin is easy to catch early in the game. Here’s how you can find it:

Where to Find Grubbin

  • Pokémon Sun and Moon: Grubbin can be found in Route 1 in the Alola Region, which is where many players start their adventure.
  • Other Games: You can find Grubbin in grassy areas in different Pokémon games.

Tips for Catching Grubbin

  • Weaken It First: Use moves like Sleep Powder or Thunder Wave to weaken Grubbin, making it easier to catch.
  • Bring Poké Balls: Grubbin is an early Pokémon, so it’s not hard to catch. Just be sure to have some Poké Balls ready.

Grubbin’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Here’s a simple guide to Grubbin’s strengths and weaknesses:


  • Bug-type Moves: Grubbin’s Bug-type attacks are strong against Psychic, Grass, and Dark Pokémon.
  • Support Ability: With Battery, Grubbin can help your other Pokémon by boosting their Special Attack in battle.
  • Electric Evolution: When it evolves into Vikavolt, it becomes a strong Electric/Bug-type, which is good against many types of Pokémon.


  • Fire-type: Grubbin is weak to Fire-type moves. Be careful when fighting against Pokémon like Slurpuff or Arcanine.
  • Flying-type: Grubbin is also weak to Flying-type moves, so avoid Pokémon like Pidgeot or Talonflame.

Why Should You Use Grubbin?

Grubbin may be small, but it can be a useful part of your team. Here’s why you should consider using it:

  • Great Evolution Line: Grubbin evolves into Vikavolt, which is a strong Pokémon that can help you in later battles.
  • Team Support: Grubbin’s battery ability boosts your other Pokémon’s power, which makes it a good support choice.
  • Easy to Train: Grubbin is easy to catch and train, and it grows into a strong Pokémon over time.

You Can Check Out:

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Grubbin may seem simple, but it can be a powerful part of your team, especially when it evolves into Vikavolt. With its useful abilities and good moves, it’s a great choice for trainers who want a strong and supportive Pokémon. So next time you encounter Grubbin, don’t overlook it. Capture it, train it, and watch it become a powerful ally on your Pokémon journey!