Fidough: stats, Weaknesses, Strengths, attacks, Moves


Fidough, known as the Dough Pokémon, is a fairy-type creature from the Pokémon series, recognized for its unique dough-like body. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Fidough, from its stats, abilities, and evolutions to its attacks and locations.

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General Overview of Fidough

Pokédex Number#926
CategoryDough Pokémon
Height1’08” (0.51 meters)
Weight10.5 kg (23.1 lbs)
Gender Ratio50% Male, 50% Female
Other NamesJapanese: Pupimocchi (パピモッチ)
French: Pâtachiot
German: Hefel
Korean: 쫀도기 (Jjondogi)

Fidough’s dough-like body and friendly nature have made it a fan favorite, especially for those who enjoy the fairy-type Pokémon for their charm and magical abilities. It has a calm and squishy appearance that matches its doughy theme, and it has become a delightful addition to any Pokémon team.

Fidough’s Weaknesses and Strengths

Fidough is a fairy-type Pokémon, and like all fairy-types, it has a set of strengths and weaknesses that trainers need to consider when battling.


  • Steel-type: Fairy-type Pokémon are weak to Steel-type attacks.
  • Poison-type: Poison-type moves also deal significant damage to Fidough.


  • Dragon-type: Fairy-type moves are strong against dragon-types.
  • Fighting-type: Fairy-type attacks are also highly effective against Fighting-types.
  • Dark-type: Another strength of fairy-types is their effectiveness against Dark-type Pokémon.

Where to Find Fidough

Fidough can be found in various locations throughout the Pokémon world, especially in regions known for fairy-type Pokémon. In the Paldea region, where it was first introduced, fidough can be seen in bakeries or areas where dough is produced. It is commonly found in

  • Paldea Region: Fidough Pokemon can be found in open fields and near bakeries, where it often interacts with other fairy types.

Fidough is typically simple to catch early in the game, making it a useful companion for beginning trainers. The game may also give you fudge through breeding or trades.

Fidough’s Abilities and Statistics

Fidough has several notable abilities and stats that make it an intriguing Pokémon to add to your team. Let’s break down its base stats and its max stats for a clearer understanding of how it fares in battle.

Base Stats:

StatBase Stat
Special Attack:30
Special Defense:55

Max Stats (at Level 100):

StatsMax Stat (Lv. 100)
HP:184 – 278
Defense:130 – 215
Special Attack:58-143
Special Defense:103-188

Fidough’s highest stat is its defense, which allows it to take hits well during battle. It is a versatile Pokémon with decent offensive stats, particularly in physical attacks. Its speed and HP are moderate, making it adaptable in various battle situations.

Fidough’s Evolutions

Fidough evolves into Doughbake, a more powerful version of itself. The evolution occurs at a certain level, and this transformation enhances Fidough’s fairy-type abilities, giving it greater strength and improved stats.

  • Fidough Evolution:
    • Evolution Type: Level-up (Evolution Level Unknown)
    • Post-Evolution Pokémon: Doughbake

As Fidough evolves into Doughbake, it gains access to stronger moves and abilities, making it an even more valuable Pokémon to add to your team. You can check Shadow’s Dragonite to get its evolution attack information.

Attacks and Move List

Fidough has a wide variety of moves available, from standard level-up attacks to powerful TM and egg moves. These moves make Fidough a flexible Pokémon, capable of fulfilling multiple roles on a team.

Standard Level-Up Moves:

Fidough learns several key moves as it levels up, including:

TackleNormalPhysical40100%35Physical body slam attack.
3LickGhostPhysical30100%30May cause paralysis.
11BiteDarkPhysical60100%25May cause flinching.
18Play RoughFairyPhysical9090%10It may lower the opponent’s attack stat.
33Double-EdgedNormalPhysical120100%15Damages the user as well as the target.
45Last ResortNormalPhysical140100%5Can only be used after all other moves are used.

Technical Machine (TM) Moves:

Fidough can also learn several useful moves through TMs. Some notable TM moves include:

TM001Take DownNormalPhysical9085%20Deals recoil damage to the user.
TM007ProtectNormalStatus101%10Protects from all attacks.
TM008Fire FangFirePhysical6595%15May cause flinching or burn.
TM009Thunder FangElectricPhysical6595%15May cause flinching or paralysis.

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Egg Moves:

Some of Fidough’s egg moves include:

Sweet ScentNormalStatusLowers opponent’s evasiveness.
WishNormalStatusRestores half the user’s HP after one turn.
YawnNormalStatusCauses the opponent to fall asleep next turn.

Conclusion: Why Choose Fidough?

Fidough is a versatile fairy-type Pokémon with a unique dough-like appearance and strong defensive capabilities. Its evolution into Doughbake allows it to gain enhanced stats and become a formidable force in battle. With a wide range of moves to choose from, Fidough is a great choice for trainers looking for a fairy type with flexibility and strength.

Whether you’re battling in the Paldea region or training it for competitive play, Fidough is a valuable companion. Its blend of physical attacks, defense, and support moves makes it a well-rounded addition to any Pokémon team. You can checkout Random Pokemon Generator to get more pokemons and their stats.